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Re: Fuel Planner

Posted: 01-18-2012 07:46 PM
by Theodore Martin
Not sure what you did, but I just plugged in KLAX - KDEN for the CRJ-700 with an altitude of FL320 and Fuel Planner indicated more fuel was required than the a/c could hold (it gave max as 19,200lbs.).

Re: Fuel Planner

Posted: 01-19-2012 11:44 AM
by Theodore Martin
Ok, I see the difference now. I didn't input an alternate airport and you did. I never enter an alternate airport when using the Fuel Planner. This is the first time I've had an issue by not entering an alternate. I think maybe there is a problem with this combinations of airports.

In general I've found the Fuel Planner to be on the low side for all flights. I normally add 20% or so to the number I get from the Planner. I also compare it to the fuel estimate I get from FSX when I enter the flight plan there (assuming I don't have an FMC).