What can we say to console Rick?
Posted: 01-24-2012 05:33 AM
Our poor dear brother, Rick. What can we say to console you?
Sometime just after 12:00am this morning that ill wind of older age slinkered into the Stevens house and settled in for a year.
Poor Rick. Poor poor Rick. We feel for you, man.
Rick, I know you're thinking, "You don't really feel my pain. It's worse than having a barely tolerable brother-in-law move in with you. The only things I hear well this morning without the hearing aids are my moans and groans trying to get out of bed and crumbling joints popping and scraping." [Ricks thoughts are interrupted here (called a senior moment) to not traumatize all the young babes in 767 seats. Remember, there's always hope that science will eventually find that Ponce deLeon spring before your gradual deterioration reaches such catastrophic proportions.]
I know it's kind of pathetic when the most fun thing in your day is trying to see how much $$ you can save using your Senior Citizen discount, but see if you can break your personal record today. But still, fun is fun. And we all need something to look forward to in each day - even a day as black as this.
Look on the bright side. You can still gum cake and ice cream. And remember, Rick, this level of pain only lasts for a year!
Happy Birthday, OLD man.
PS. If your cane has gotten too short, send it to me or Ted.
PPS. To you pilots younger than 45, I'm sorry if reading this account gives you nightmares. Your experience may be vastly different, so don't take this too seriously.
Sometime just after 12:00am this morning that ill wind of older age slinkered into the Stevens house and settled in for a year.
Poor Rick. Poor poor Rick. We feel for you, man.
Rick, I know you're thinking, "You don't really feel my pain. It's worse than having a barely tolerable brother-in-law move in with you. The only things I hear well this morning without the hearing aids are my moans and groans trying to get out of bed and crumbling joints popping and scraping." [Ricks thoughts are interrupted here (called a senior moment) to not traumatize all the young babes in 767 seats. Remember, there's always hope that science will eventually find that Ponce deLeon spring before your gradual deterioration reaches such catastrophic proportions.]
I know it's kind of pathetic when the most fun thing in your day is trying to see how much $$ you can save using your Senior Citizen discount, but see if you can break your personal record today. But still, fun is fun. And we all need something to look forward to in each day - even a day as black as this.
Look on the bright side. You can still gum cake and ice cream. And remember, Rick, this level of pain only lasts for a year!
Happy Birthday, OLD man.
PS. If your cane has gotten too short, send it to me or Ted.
PPS. To you pilots younger than 45, I'm sorry if reading this account gives you nightmares. Your experience may be vastly different, so don't take this too seriously.