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fs realtime

Posted: 03-14-2012 07:09 AM
by Kyle David
Hello everyone. I'm having an issue with FS realtime .the UTC in the northeast more specifically NY where I live is -4 as of now however my fs realtime is still showing -5 because my fs9 is still UTC -5. Is there anyone that can help me with this issue?

Re: fs realtime

Posted: 03-14-2012 02:51 PM
by Wayne Pierce

Re: fs realtime

Posted: 03-15-2012 04:05 PM
by Kyle David
Hello . Thank you for your input. I will be more specific. I live on the east coast of the USA in new York. As we all know the Utc time is +4 east coast since daylight savings time just started. However, my fs9 is +5 in new York. Does anyone know how to change that or knows the date fs9 will change it this month or next? I also read a few vague instructions about deleting the fs9.cfg and letting fs9 create a new one.
Thank you alot

Re: fs realtime

Posted: 03-15-2012 05:09 PM
by Wayne Pierce
I found this via a search of the internet. ... -is-wrong/

there is sort of an answer at the bottom of the page, after several people bash each other.

Re: fs realtime

Posted: 03-16-2012 07:13 AM
by Kyle David
Does anyone here though know when fs9 usually changes to Daylight Saving time?. I believe its after the realworld switch but I dont remember when.