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Quality Wings 757

Posted: 03-25-2012 06:33 AM
by Kyle David
Hello everyone I was thinking of purchasing the Quality wings 757 for my fs9. I wanted to hear some reviews about it such as FMS, ILS approaches as well as RNAV approaches, handling of the aircraft everything.

Re: Quality Wings 757

Posted: 03-26-2012 04:59 PM
by Pete Murray
Just got the QW 757. I did a lot of hemming and hawing over which payware 757 to buy. CS (I guess) is ok, but the modelling is not great, kills the frame rates, and you have to purchase additional liveries. NO GO for me. PSS 757 didn't make it either in my book.
Took the QW 757 up for a spin the other day, not bad I must say. Sure the overhead panel isn't modelled with ALL the lights, bells and whistles, but has an adequate FMS (even for starters) to get you from A to B. It does include all engine versions, winglet/no winglet models and their unique sound packages all together. At the QW website, they have large amounts of repaints for any engine version. There is a basic load planner/config program, but you can always tinker with weights and CG on your own. APU and GPU are standard, as well as custom safety announcements for certain airlines. I like it, it had the most to offer over CS and PSS. If you were to search for winglet/sound packages independently, you would get old ha ha ha.
She handles quite gracefully, nice startup sounds, quite decent textures too.

Pete Murray
AAV 786
Off to KMIA right now in one