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An advice to all

Posted: 04-27-2012 04:02 AM
by Maratib Ali
Hi guys,
I have an advice that i think will help everyone live a more happy life and get them out of most difficult situations.That advice is that wherever you are in whatever situation you maybe in happy or sad just speak "truth" this truth will get you out of most difficult situation even if it goes against you.For example if someone doesn't want to go to school because he is lazy and he knows that next day he will speak the truth he will not be absent from school in the first place so speaking of this truth will help him avoid punishment from teachers.

Re: An advice to all

Posted: 04-27-2012 09:06 AM
by Michael Blakely
One of my philosophies is "When you talk about other people, speak as if they could hear you"

That one's saved my bacon multiple times, when people were around the corner, or when I thought the phone was on mute and it wasn't.

Re: An advice to all

Posted: 04-27-2012 11:09 AM
by Maratib Ali
Another good advice,here in this world we all humans have a choice,either we can do good or evil.Now everyone knows what is good and what is evil so always pick good so that we end up good,all evils come to an evil end and to avoid an evil end we must do good so that our end is good and we live happily.One more thing never hurt anyone no mater how weak he maybe so that he doesn't hurt us.