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Which one is better

Posted: 05-03-2012 08:36 PM
by Maratib Ali
Hi guys,
I had been thinking and decided to discuss my thinking that which one is better a FREQ with 4 flight or a FREQ with 10 flights.Now benefit of 4 flights is that you only have 4 flight to fly and in case you change your mind and want to fly something else instead, you can do it after just 4 flights.The disadvantage is that you need to get your FREQ marked complete that can take almost a day and then you need to submit a new one which also will take nearly a day to get approved and then you can start flying again.In case of 10 flights time to submit a new FREQ will come after a long time but if you want to fly something else you will only be able to do this after all that time.So which one is better?

Re: Which one is better

Posted: 05-04-2012 04:35 AM
by Harold Henderson
Yes. I think you summed up the choices very well.

Re: Which one is better

Posted: 05-04-2012 08:00 PM
by Theodore Martin
I normally file 10 flight bids. However sometimes I get an idea I want to fly a certain a/c or maybe do some special part of the geography (island hopping for example) and I'll file a shorter bid.