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REAL Pilot Birthday!

Posted: 05-11-2012 01:28 PM
by Harold Henderson
Today is Greg Gemelli's birthday -- wherever he is and is bound to.

Congratulations, Greg. We wish you the best on your special day.

One of the joys of being AAV has been following your career from PPL to the airlines. Many here enjoy the too-infrequent (hint hint) little slices of a commercial pilot's day that you share with us. Just have a great day making sure your pax have a great day - wherever you may be.

Re: REAL Pilot Birthday!

Posted: 05-13-2012 06:48 PM
by Todd Meek
Happy late birthday Greg.

Re: REAL Pilot Birthday!

Posted: 05-14-2012 01:35 AM
by Theodore Martin
Happy B'day Greg.

Re: REAL Pilot Birthday!

Posted: 05-18-2012 12:40 PM
by Greg Gemelli
Hey guys :) Thanks for the heart felt wishes. I had a great B-Day and actually was on vacation :mrgreen: Which is WAY better than having to work. I know, I know, cry me a river but it's nice to get a break from flying from time to time.

I will take the hint and make some more updates from the real world adventures. They have been a bit lacking and there is much I should share.

Thanks again guys