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Investigating Todd Meek

Posted: 06-13-2012 05:43 AM
by Harold Henderson
Well, I sent out my operatives to dig and uncover the truth about Todd Meek.

First of all, they couldn't find him. That tells me he's really good at covering his tracks.

The closest they came was the local priest who said he had heard rumors about someone calling himself Todd Meek, but he had no personal knowledge. When they found that, the operatives lept to the obvious conclusion that Todd was ripe for confession, therefore, they turned their attention to the seedier part of town.

On the way across the street, they bumped into an old old lady who claimed a very young Todd Meek in a Cub Scount uniform once helped her carry her grocery bags across the street to her car.

Now with such contradictory evidence, where do you go from there?

As the operatives were walking down the street pondering all this, they happened to wander by the fire station where there seemed to be quite a commotion going on with firemen running in and out with fire extinguishers, discharging them, then someone else in the dark of the garage lighting an object, then the cycle restarting. After watching this for 30 minutes and partaking of the popcorn being sold on the sidewalk by a very pretty six year-old, the operatives happened to mention Todd's name in their conversation. The six year-old volunteered, "Oh, that's my daddy."

"Where's you daddy?" asked the lead operative, Bert.

"He'll be here any minute. It's his birthday and they decided to have it at the fire station so he didn't burn our house down with all the candles," she replied.

"We've got him now!" Bert shrieks with joy.

Buzzzzzzzz .... Buzzzzzzz. Waking from the cold sweat nightmare and slapping the annoying alarm into silence, Todd rolls up on the side of the bed. After taking care of some business in the john, Todd stumbles to the computer, turns it on, and checks the AAV forums. In browsing the subject lines of the new unread messages, he is suddenly shocked to see one titled "Investigating Todd Meek." Thoughts rush through Todd's brain frantically trying to make sense - "Was the dream real, am I still in the dream, or .... is this Memorex?"

Then his eyes fall to the next forum post, "Todd, It's a joke. Happy Birthday!"

Re: Investigating Todd Meek

Posted: 06-13-2012 10:17 PM
by Theodore Martin
Happy birthday Todd.

Re: Investigating Todd Meek

Posted: 06-14-2012 05:27 PM
by Todd Meek
Thank you all for the happy birthday wishes and for the very in depth investigation story Harold. Truth of the matter, I spent my birthday at Adventureland which is an amusement park in Des Moines, IA which is about 2 hours from my house. We had a great time.

Re: Investigating Todd Meek

Posted: 06-14-2012 08:18 PM
by Norberto Rivera
LOL! Happy Bertdayâ„¢ Todd! :lol: