Subject; TouchDown Rates
Posted: 06-20-2012 06:33 PM
From; the desk of the Training department at AAV
Subject; TouchDown Rates
Looking at the latest FSACARS filed flights by you pilots I have seen a large variance in the touchdown rates. ( I can see all of 'em)
Now, since all of us are employed by the AAV and use the AAV(L) equipment, I need to caution some of you that the continued practice of "slamming" the planes onto the tarmac will have to cease. It is getting expensive to replace the parts of the aircraft which are being damaged by this exercise.
I have listed the latest, from best to worse rates as seen on your FSACARS reports. I am not listing the pilots.... You know whom you are.
Rate -11 ft/min Speed: 125 Knots -- the best I have seen
Rate -1463 ft/min Speed: 171 Knots -- filed today 6-20-2012
Rate -20419 ft/min Speed: 134 -- This I believe had to be a total crash landing. Earlier this month.
The average rate is about -340 ft/min.
Our grading criteria;
"During a checkride we have automatic failures. One is if the landing vertical speed exceeds -500 fp/m rate at touchdown. We feel that anything over this causes severe damage to the aircraft and/or pax and crew."
Submited with a smile.
Subject; TouchDown Rates
Looking at the latest FSACARS filed flights by you pilots I have seen a large variance in the touchdown rates. ( I can see all of 'em)
Now, since all of us are employed by the AAV and use the AAV(L) equipment, I need to caution some of you that the continued practice of "slamming" the planes onto the tarmac will have to cease. It is getting expensive to replace the parts of the aircraft which are being damaged by this exercise.
I have listed the latest, from best to worse rates as seen on your FSACARS reports. I am not listing the pilots.... You know whom you are.
Rate -11 ft/min Speed: 125 Knots -- the best I have seen
Rate -1463 ft/min Speed: 171 Knots -- filed today 6-20-2012
Rate -20419 ft/min Speed: 134 -- This I believe had to be a total crash landing. Earlier this month.
The average rate is about -340 ft/min.
Our grading criteria;
"During a checkride we have automatic failures. One is if the landing vertical speed exceeds -500 fp/m rate at touchdown. We feel that anything over this causes severe damage to the aircraft and/or pax and crew."
Submited with a smile.