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Xplane and XPUIPC

Posted: 07-05-2012 08:43 AM
by Wayne Pierce
To; Gentlemen and all pilots.

From Training;

After some testing being done by our very capable and hardy test pilots, pushing the envelope...

The flight program of X-plane can be used for flights and the recorded flights sent for grading using our recorder program.
One must correctly install a version of the XPUPIC available on this web site.

The user does so without any technical help from AAV.



Re: Xplane and XPUIPC

Posted: 07-08-2012 07:42 AM
by Rey Ramon
Doesn't look like it's supported..but accepted since the user is doing so with out any tech support from AAV.

Re: Xplane and XPUIPC

Posted: 07-11-2012 01:11 AM
by Barry Theodore
I believe these tests have been carried out on one platform only at this stage. That being Microsoft Windows. Before we can go much further there needs to be further investigation into what other platforms will it work on.

1. Does it work on Apple Mac, and what programs are required? Can our flight recorder work on the Mac or do you have to use something like VMWare running a windows virtual machine to run the recorder in?

2. Same as 1 only using a Unix computer.

The above 2 would probably see a wider use of X-Plane than windows computers.
If you have either of the above configurations could you have a go to see what you can get working?

The next of course is to add "Xacars" which would support X-Plane.

So as you can see we have a way to go yet.


Re: Xplane and XPUIPC

Posted: 08-25-2013 01:59 PM
by Tom Pletzke
I just ordered x-plane 10 global and will be installing it on my mac. I will post how it works.

Re: Xplane and XPUIPC

Posted: 08-29-2013 09:14 AM
by Tom Pletzke
x-plane does not run well on my mac because I have a mac mini. It would of run fine on a normal mac. Anyway, I have received the 8 dvd disks of x-plane global and installed it on my windows box. Let me say it is outstanding. Let me also say it will take some time to learn. I have got most of the basics programmed on my joystick, like quick looks and brakes, and the basic plane maneuvers. I don't have many planes yet but I heard you can find them. I will look on our downloads to see what we have.

The ground graphics are wonderful. The cars move and look great on the road, especially, at night. I am very impressed with the clouds. I look forward to spending more time with it this week and can't wait to submit my first FREP with it. The first day was great!

Re: Xplane and XPUIPC

Posted: 08-29-2013 10:31 PM
by Tom Pletzke
thanks Sergio, I just registered with