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a little wonder

Posted: 08-07-2012 03:48 PM
by Maratib Ali
I wonder how real world engines keep runing after 20 hours in flight i mean i turn off my AC after 10-12 hours or so to keep it from burning then how can aircraft engines keep runing after a long time?

Re: a little wonder

Posted: 08-07-2012 07:32 PM
by Todd Meek
You also have to keep in mind that Jets spend most of their time above 30,000 ft where it's nice and cool. Therefore it's not as common for them to burn up. Your car is on the ground where it's hotter therefore is more likely to overheat if there is a problem in the cooling system. Not to mention the quality of the parts as mentioned above are much more superior in aircraft engines than a passenger car, but you'll pay for those quality parts.