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The 9000hr mark

Posted: 08-11-2012 06:32 PM
by Eliezer Resto
Well after 18 years of flying in the real world,I reached the 9000hrs mark.
Within fun years and bad ones a milestone is accomplished.Well need 28 years more
to retire, but In overall i enjoyed and still enjoy flying. AMR wants to shut down SJU and
with this news i will be transfered to fly the CRJ in LGA as capt. This will be another
adventure in my life and looking foward to be in the big ones with AA or Delta.
So wish me luck. Cya alll by the way im reaching the 2000hr mark in VA.

Re: The 9000hr mark

Posted: 08-12-2012 06:46 AM
by Eliezer Resto
Thxs :D the hard part is raising 2kids in this business of aviation with alot of overnights its difficult.

Re: The 9000hr mark

Posted: 08-13-2012 01:23 AM
by Eliezer Resto
hi sean and yes will be commuting for a while but im planning to move to florida for now my wife has families
over in ft lauderdale and orlando. Ohh yea count on it when I stop in chicago ill invite you for a deep dish pizza over there
:lol: :lol: :lol: . They say that the CRJ is a working horse but ill miss my ATR-72. And Danilel you will be there soon the
industry will need alot of pilots so go for it my friend.

Re: The 9000hr mark

Posted: 08-13-2012 12:25 PM
by Eliezer Resto
We havnt been displaced yet from SJU, but thats cooming soon. will cya!!!

Re: The 9000hr mark

Posted: 08-14-2012 04:44 AM
by Harold Henderson
Congratulations on the hours, Eliezer. You definitely EARNED those - no accelerated time either, in fact, some of it may have seemed like 1/2 time acceleration! And, then, there may have been a few minutes you measured by the heart beat.

Re: The 9000hr mark

Posted: 08-14-2012 07:11 PM
by Eliezer Resto