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Re: First real world flight!

Posted: 08-12-2012 08:18 PM
by Todd Meek
Bore us? Are you kidding? Give us the details.

Re: First real world flight!

Posted: 08-13-2012 01:27 AM
by Eliezer Resto
Nice keep it up brian. Remember to enjoy every detail of your flight and always trust your instruments. :wink:

Re: First real world flight!

Posted: 08-14-2012 04:40 AM
by Harold Henderson
Great to get started Brian. Keep at it.

Two things - the first of which you already did.

1. Prepare for every flight. Fly it in your mind (or even FSX) before you get into the plane.

2. Reserve a sheet of paper or two on your knee pad. Label it - "NEVER Do That AGAIN!" Or if you like a more positive take - "NEVER NEVER Do That AGAIN!!" Review this sheet before every flight.