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Re: Endorsements
Posted: 09-05-2012 09:07 PM
by Maratib Ali
Julio Morales wrote:
Heavy jets may only be flown by retro endorsed pilots ranked SENIOR CAPTAIN or above. .
I can't understand,can heavy jets only be flown by pilots ranked Senior catain who are also retro endorsed? But i have seen pilots flying heavies and they are not retro endorsed,or maybe my observation is wrong,can somebody please clear my confusion.
Re: Endorsements
Posted: 09-05-2012 10:17 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Maratib, Your a Captain so the largest jets you can fly are the B757-200/ B767-200/B767-300
The POH "SECTION 4.0 - Aircraft qualification"
If you have the Retro Endorsement as a captain you can still only fly jets that were not considered heavy when they were active duty aircraft such as the 707, 727, DC9, 717,etc..
The Retro checkride is available for download on the training page from our web site front page, but your HUB manager still needs to mark the checkride endorsement page to activate it. This is a fun neat endorsement to work on and gives you a few bonuses here.
When one make Sr Captain then you can add the A300-600R/ B777-200
A Retro SR captain will include the Heavy jets 747, MD11?
Sr Captain can then add the Euro endorsements.
Any one can fly any aircraft specified in the GFI or Theme flights regardless of ranking. This is the exception.
If pilots are flying heavy aircraft and they are not rated for it then they are in error, shame on them. I have seen some of our pilots do this on VATSIM and file as flown a smaller aircraft.
Re: Endorsements
Posted: 09-07-2012 09:19 PM
by Maratib Ali
Wayne you didn't mention airbus's ,who can fly heavier and lighter airbus planes?
Re: Endorsements
Posted: 09-07-2012 09:47 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Wayne Pierce wrote:
When one make Sr Captain then you can add the A300-600R/ B777-200
A Sr. Captain can fly the Airbus.
One really needs to look at the POH ;4.1 - Aircraft type qualifications by rank and optional endorsements.
Re: Endorsements
Posted: 09-09-2012 12:26 AM
by Maratib Ali
well i suppose they can fly all aibuses.