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new electric drive in nose gear

Posted: 09-12-2012 08:25 PM
by Rey Ramon
Kind of a cool idea..even if it from scarebus. ... 15193.html

Re: new electric drive in nose gear

Posted: 09-13-2012 05:18 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Richard Devaney wrote:Cheaper idea, change the rudder pedals into bicycle pedals. :lol:
That idea I like.... GREAT !!

Re: new electric drive in nose gear

Posted: 09-14-2012 04:02 AM
by Harold Henderson
Better yet, have portable pedals that the passsengers can RENT. Exercise while you fly! Store the pedal energy in the battery. Of course, then the pilots might be tempted to slow down the plane if the pedaling pax were not pedaling fast enough. :wink: