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2 Decade Bashes

Posted: 10-07-2012 05:01 AM
by Harold Henderson
Today is truly a momentous occasion in the live of two of our pilot team. Christopher Dahlquist starts his 5th decade; Preston Bartlett, his 4th!

Those decade change birthdays always cause more introspection and deep questions arise - like "what have I done with my life" etc. But there is a balm for such questions -- FLYING!

Christopher, in particular, may also find some TUMS useful - Disclosure: I am not a doctor so take this advice at your own risk.

Happy Birthday, gentlemen!!!

Re: 2 Decade Bashes

Posted: 10-07-2012 10:02 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Happy Bertdayâ„¢ guys! :D