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Re: Calling all Real World Pilots
Posted: 10-28-2012 05:21 PM
by Eliezer Resto
Hey guys
Thats the best advice that david has given to you my friend
I started aviation in a right seat in a tri-islander in a local
Commuter in vieques Puerto rico, then upgraded as captain in islanders
a british a/c of nine seats. As soon as i had 2000hrs i went to that page i
will fly for food its very good and helpful that is how i got in american
eagle. Now part 121 commuters need pilots with ATP license or written but keep
flying instructor or 135 cargo and build up hrs. Good luck!!!!! Will cya in eagle
Re: Calling all Real World Pilots
Posted: 10-30-2012 01:23 AM
by Greg Gemelli
Isaac what type of job do you want? Are you looking at flying for a career or something supplemental/part time? The advice I'd offer would be based on where you want to end up. Also you have a Comm/Multi but do you also have your Instrument Rating? Most do but since it is possible to get a Comm/Multi without an instrument rating I have to ask.
Re: Calling all Real World Pilots
Posted: 10-30-2012 12:38 PM
by Greg Gemelli
Based on that I would suggest getting started on your CFI/II/MEI as soon as possible. This is the most efficient way to build time quickly and it's experience that most 121 regional carriers value. You should also continue to to build time with your current flying opportunities and you never know what can come from those relationships. I am guessing that in the Vegas area that are a few semi busy flight schools and once you get your CFI you want to find the busiest school you can. The biggest problem you face is your TT and it recently got more difficult for you and those in your position with the ATP requirements for part 121 airlines. SkyWest will not interview anyone who's TT does not meet or exceed ATP requirements and you'll also have to have a completed ATP written at the time of interview.
The diversity of equipment you are flying is going to be a big help but this main thing to focus on is getting hours in your logbook. The CFI route is the quickest way to do that. Flying banners, charter, photography flying/surveying and local tours are great also but typically don't add up hours as quickly and it sounds like you are already doing some of this with the charter flying right now. About 90% of the folks I work with got most of their flying hours doing the CFI thing but there are other ways. It's just typically not as efficient unless you land the perfect gig which is hard and rare.
I got most of my time doing the CFI thing before coming to SkyWest. I was lucky and worked at a fairly busy school and it took me about a year and a half to get my hours where they needed to be but at that time SkyWest only required 1000TT 100ME and now it's a bit different.
Anyway that's my 2 cents and also just keep after it. This industry can be very tough to get into but it's totally worth it. Once you get the TT you need and if you are interested I'll happily walk in your resume to our Dir. of Pilot Recruitment at SkyWest to speed up the process for an interview.
Re: Calling all Real World Pilots
Posted: 10-30-2012 04:50 PM
by Eliezer Resto
One of the local airlines here in Puerto Rico is : Air Flamenco, Roblex, Vieques air Links and MN aviation.Build
up your hours first as an instructor and then fly part135 air taxi. good luck my friend
Re: Calling all Real World Pilots
Posted: 11-01-2012 09:12 AM
by Greg Gemelli
Yes, in your case the TT is the most important. 200 + ME would be nice but you should have no problem getting that as you build your TT, begin ME instruction and continue to add the approx 5 hrs months you are accruing now.