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I thought We Just Had a Wayne BDay?

Posted: 12-02-2012 01:55 PM
by Harold Henderson
I know we just had a Wayne birthday recently, but It appears not to have been this Wayne. But, if there was any Wayne to try and sneak in 2 birthdays in one year (handy for achieving senior citizen status for special prices for old fogies ... or more likely, try to skip a birthday, this Wayne would be right at the top of my list.

But getting down to business, I do want to wish this Wayne the happiest of birthdays. Why? Because he deserves it for all the work he puts into AAV and just being a generally somewhat pretty decent sort of guy (you know what I'm talking about if he 's graded any of your flights).

If you bump into this Wayne in your flyings today, be sure to dip your wing to him. How will you know it's him? He'll be the one in the DC3.

Happy Birthday, WLP!!!

Re: I thought We Just Had a Wayne BDay?

Posted: 12-02-2012 02:15 PM
by Michael Blakely
Have a great day Wanye.

Planes, trains, and automobiles?

Re: I thought We Just Had a Wayne BDay?

Posted: 12-02-2012 03:34 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Tanks' , I spent the day at the Train's place,
Started with a no charge coffee of my choice at my favorite StarbucksĀ©,cuz'n it was my B'day, then on to the Great Train Expo spending the money I don't have. On the way home at the Hobby shop and now uploading the latest Flight Sim scenery to fly today around in.

A good day all around, so far. Now if I can get the 737 to straighten up and fly right it will be better.



Re: I thought We Just Had a Wayne BDay?

Posted: 12-02-2012 05:43 PM
by Theodore Martin
Wayne, happy birthday to you. Knew it would be either planes or trains!

Thanks for the GFI planning you do. We all enjoy those flights (as well as the Theme flights).

Re: I thought We Just Had a Wayne BDay?

Posted: 12-02-2012 09:07 PM
by Todd Meek
Happy Birthday Wayne. Glad it was a good day for you.

Re: I thought We Just Had a Wayne BDay?

Posted: 12-03-2012 10:44 AM
by Robert Shepherd
Happy belated Birthday Wayne!!!

I KNOW you had fun spending all that money you don't have at the train expo! :D