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Happy Birthday to the AAV2

Posted: 12-09-2012 05:55 AM
by Harold Henderson
Today is Jose Suarez' birthday.

When you look at the roster, you see his name at the very top ... the longest survivng AAV'r!! Congratulations, Jose.

We wish you have the best of birthdays surrounded by family, friends, and the things you love.

Happy Birthday, Jose!

Re: Happy Birthday to the AAV2

Posted: 12-09-2012 05:22 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Feliz cumpleaños señor!!!!! Or as I like to say... Happy Bertday™!!!!!!

Re: Happy Birthday to the AAV2

Posted: 12-10-2012 07:43 AM
by Robert Shepherd
Hope you had a great day Jose! Happy Birthday!

Re: Happy Birthday to the AAV2

Posted: 12-10-2012 10:02 AM
by Todd Meek
Happy Birthday Jose. One of our original founders is getting a year older which means this great VA is also getting a year older. Thank you for helping make AAV the great VA it is today.

Re: Happy Birthday to the AAV2

Posted: 12-10-2012 11:28 PM
by Theodore Martin
To my former hub boss, happy birthday and thanks for your contributions to this great VA.

Re: Happy Birthday to the AAV2

Posted: 12-11-2012 04:02 PM
by Rey Ramon
Happy Belated Birthday!!!!