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What the *&$#
Posted: 12-23-2012 10:51 AM
by Michael Natale
What's with the flight hour totals on some pilot data pages? Some of my totals are truncated to the hundred trillionth! Seriously, 14 places to the right of a decimal is the hundred trillionth. I can't live up to that kind of exacting tolerance (LOL). I know Mike B is a tremendous manager of persons and assets, but that kind of record keeping is crazy. Mike, did you go to M.I.T or something, you must have ridiculous math skills.
Re: What the *&$#
Posted: 12-23-2012 11:02 PM
by Michael Blakely
I have no idea what you're talking about. Perhaps you can explain which screen, or provide a link, or a screeshot?
Re: What the *&$#
Posted: 12-24-2012 08:38 AM
by Michael Natale
Thanks Chris. That's the screen boss. No big deal, just curious why all of the sudden. It's amusing more than anything else. Happy Holidays to all.........
Re: What the *&$#
Posted: 12-24-2012 09:37 AM
by Maratib Ali
I also noticed that,what happened to that?
Re: What the *&$#
Posted: 12-31-2012 12:31 PM
by Michael Blakely
Re: What the *&$#
Posted: 01-04-2013 08:37 AM
by Michael Natale
Hope that didn't come across as critical Mike; it was more of a head scratcher...
Mike N
Re: What the *&$#
Posted: 01-04-2013 01:03 PM
by Michael Blakely
Michael Natale wrote:Hope that didn't come across as critical Mike; it was more of a head scratcher...
Not at all. Something changed with our web host's underlying software that caused this to appear. I want our site to look professional and appealing so I was happy to fix it.