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The Sheeps out of the pen and we need a Shepherd

Posted: 01-26-2013 06:04 AM
by Harold Henderson
but he's STILL counting candles!

Happy birthday to good and faithful GFI buddy Robert Shepherd, master of the the Coolsky/Flight1 MD80 Classic.

Enjoyed that GFI last evening into CYEG. As sometimes happens on VatSim, controllers will see a string of planes heading to a destination and they will jump on and man up otherwise desolate airspace. Edmonton center manned up as 4 of the 5 of us were starting our descent (Wayne was so far ahead he was on final). Our descent, approach and landings were so professional, we received an accolade from the controller ... and Rob was one of those pilots. Call it a tribute to AAV training and culture ... and for Rob, something of an early birthday present.

Happy Birthday, Rob. Hope you have a great day today. You do have a snow blower, right?

Re: The Sheeps out of the pen and we need a Shepherd

Posted: 01-29-2013 12:34 PM
by Theodore Martin
Rob, happy birthday to you. I know you had a great one (with many Margaritas :D )!

Re: The Sheeps out of the pen and we need a Shepherd

Posted: 01-29-2013 01:23 PM
by Robert Shepherd
LOL... Thanks guys! That was an awesome "pre-birthday" GFI and no better way I'd rather spend it than flying with you fine folks! Had a blast (and yes, Ted, with a margarita... Or two. Served by my fine stewardess... :wink: )

Funny... I don't feel any different.