Re: American Airlines, US Airways to merge
Posted: 02-14-2013 02:02 AM
Darn it Sergio, you beat me to it.
Oh well, at least I have some new news.
Following a similar course, will be merging with The result will be lots of great movies to watch while cruizing on autopilot at FL360. Although we will be managed by NetFlix, we'll keep the AAVirtual logo and web site. We'll be adding 24,500,000 members to the forums tomorrow, so watch out. Forum moderators, get ready! Hub managers, in additional to approving FREQs and FREPs, you'll now also be approving DVD Queues and rental returns.
Good luck everyone!
Oh well, at least I have some new news.
Following a similar course, will be merging with The result will be lots of great movies to watch while cruizing on autopilot at FL360. Although we will be managed by NetFlix, we'll keep the AAVirtual logo and web site. We'll be adding 24,500,000 members to the forums tomorrow, so watch out. Forum moderators, get ready! Hub managers, in additional to approving FREQs and FREPs, you'll now also be approving DVD Queues and rental returns.
Good luck everyone!