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Re: American Airlines, US Airways to merge

Posted: 02-14-2013 02:02 AM
by Michael Blakely
Darn it Sergio, you beat me to it.

Oh well, at least I have some new news.

Following a similar course, will be merging with The result will be lots of great movies to watch while cruizing on autopilot at FL360. Although we will be managed by NetFlix, we'll keep the AAVirtual logo and web site. We'll be adding 24,500,000 members to the forums tomorrow, so watch out. Forum moderators, get ready! Hub managers, in additional to approving FREQs and FREPs, you'll now also be approving DVD Queues and rental returns.

Good luck everyone!

Re: American Airlines, US Airways to merge

Posted: 02-14-2013 06:07 AM
by Rey Ramon
Hilarious Mike! I wonder what means for our little community here in the future.

Re: American Airlines, US Airways to merge

Posted: 02-14-2013 08:23 AM
by Michael Natale
More routes!

Re: American Airlines, US Airways to merge

Posted: 02-15-2013 04:31 PM
by Norberto Rivera
ROFLMAO Mike!!! :lol:

Brush up on your scAirbus procedures boys and girls! :D

Re: American Airlines, US Airways to merge

Posted: 02-22-2013 02:26 PM
by Theodore Martin
Norberto Rivera wrote:ROFLMAO Mike!!! :lol:

Brush up on your scAirbus procedures boys and girls! :D
I guess I will finally have to break down and actually buy one...

Re: American Airlines, US Airways to merge

Posted: 02-22-2013 07:59 PM
by Todd Meek
You know how long it's been since I've been behind the controls of a ScAirbus? Long enough you might not want to be at the same airport as I am. :shock: That was a good one about netflix Mike. I was laughing pretty good off that one.