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Important note for FSUIPC users

Posted: 05-05-2013 08:56 AM
by Wayne Pierce
Please read. The following came from Simmarket.

Here is Pete Dawsons latest version of FSUIPC from this date;

Please note that this is not a security breach within FSUIPC itself – it is only the security certificate that has been compromised.

If you aren’t sure what FSUIPC is, or whether you have it, full details can be found on the product pages at simMarket and it can be found within your Flight Simulator 9/modules, Microsoft Flight Simulator X/modules or Prepar3D/modules folder. If you have a file entitled “FSUIPCx.dll” (x is dependant on the FS version) then you need to update, in order for FSUIPC to keep working.

Full Press Release text:

FSUIPC will need replacing on all user systems!

For the last ten years FSUIPC has been protected against both unwanted alteration and virus infection by the use of a Code Signature, purchased from and protected by GlobalSign, an officially recognised Windows Certificate Authority.

It has come to my attention that within the last two weeks the same Code Signature has been used to sign malicious software, apparently in the form of Java updates, to make it look valid and safe. Whilst the FSUIPC packages themselves are not affected in any way by these, it does mean that we have had to ask GlobalSign to revoke the signature. This in turn will cause the signature to appear incorrect, and because FSUIPC actively checks it every time it is started the end result is that all versions of FSUIPC3 and FSUIPC4 before today’s date will cease to function.

After due consideration it has been decided that we will dispense with Code Signing henceforth, and over the next few days unsigned versions of all of my programs will be released, replacing the signed versions and with incremented version numbers, but with no other changes.

Because only FSUIPC has the Signature self-checking built in, it is the main priority, and versions 4.90 and 3.999z2 have been released today free of this check. All users will need to update for continued use of the program, and software producers who include FSUIPC in their packages are asked to update those as soon as is convenient and practical.

Apologies to all for this unprecedented event. We still don’t know how the break in the signature’s security occurred but we will be following this up with GlobalSign.

Best Regards


Re: Important note for FSUIPC users

Posted: 05-05-2013 10:46 AM
by Wayne Pierce
Really simple. If you use FSUIPC now, you know what you're doing with it as you have installed it already.
If you don't use it., don't bother with this.

FSUIPC is needed for our checkride recorder program, hence the newest version as it states already in the instructions.
Most of the payware aircraft need the FSUIPC to operate.

Just download the latest version from the link above as posted and let it install itself.

Re: Important note for FSUIPC users

Posted: 05-05-2013 11:25 AM
by Norberto Rivera
It seemed like some type of scam at first, but I double-checked on Pete's support forum and the email is authentic. I'm not sure what the deadline is for installing the new package, but I am flying right now and it is working fine. I will install the new package once I'm done with this flight.

Re: Important note for FSUIPC users

Posted: 05-05-2013 12:26 PM
by Norberto Rivera
If I ever get off my lazy fourth point of contact and take some of those free lessons on I might be able to put something together, but that's a really big IF right now. :lol:

Re: Important note for FSUIPC users

Posted: 05-06-2013 07:42 AM
by Maratib Ali
Wow but that is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very bad for me ,the only way i can use airbus X extended is by using FSUIPC,the registered version.Is the new FSUIPC going to retain those functions or do i have to start paying for it from the beginning?

Re: Important note for FSUIPC users

Posted: 05-06-2013 09:14 AM
by Wayne Pierce
Maratib Ali wrote:Is the new FSUIPC going to retain those functions or do i have to start paying for it from the beginning?
Nothing has changed for those you use it. Just install the new update. It will ask you to check your registration codes you already have.

It is not the program, just the way the windows registry checks the program when it starts up. All will be fine.

Re: Important note for FSUIPC users

Posted: 05-06-2013 07:54 PM
by Theodore Martin
Ok, understand all of that. One question, however. What are the symptoms to let you know FSUIPC has quite working?

Re: Important note for FSUIPC users

Posted: 05-07-2013 12:07 AM
by Wayne Pierce
You may not even experience a change or notice anything at all. It is how the program's certificate is interpreted by the FS program and your computer.

If it was impacted you would not be able to use the functions of FSUIPC with FSX or FS9.

When you install a program or addon to FS it will ask you if you trust it. FSUIPC does this also, and did when you first installed it. So since that was done once then maybe the computer will keep trusting it.

I always put the most up to date version on my system anyway and it still works fine.