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Level D FSX discount

Posted: 05-12-2013 10:24 AM
by Michael Blakely
I found out yesterday that if you purchased the Level D 767 for FS9, you can download a coupon to purchase the 767 for FSX for only $15. That's a great price if you've been enjoying the 767 on FS9 and want to upgrade to FSX.

All the information is on the Flight 1 site:

You need to download a .zip file with the coupon from Fligh 1, then upload the coupon and your original F9 order information when you activate the FSX version.

Re: Level D FSX discount

Posted: 05-13-2013 08:30 PM
by Theodore Martin
That's been around for awhile now. Level D 767 was my first true payware a/c and I purchased the FS9 version and used the coupon to get the FSX version cheap so I could have both since at the time I wasn't sure the computer I had would support FSX.

Re: Level D FSX discount

Posted: 05-19-2013 10:41 AM
by Rey Ramon
What ever happened to the LVL D 777 project?

Re: Level D FSX discount

Posted: 05-20-2013 02:04 PM
by Rey Ramon
Probably but I'm sure their price will be too!

Re: Level D FSX discount

Posted: 05-20-2013 05:12 PM
by Michael Blakely
Perhaps the release date will also be "untouchable"? :wink: