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There's a Lot to be Said About Todd Meek

Posted: 06-13-2013 04:04 AM
by Harold Henderson
But I'll only say, "Happy Birthday, Todd!!" Hope you have a great day.

Besides, I heard the Inqurier is doing a full expose. There seems to have been a government leak and they have a lot of juicy metadata.

Re: There's a Lot to be Said About Todd Meek

Posted: 06-13-2013 11:30 AM
by Theodore Martin
Happy birthday Todd. You were definitely born in an OUTSTANDING month.

Re: There's a Lot to be Said About Todd Meek

Posted: 06-13-2013 03:19 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Two words immediately come to mind when I think of Todd Meek, but I'll just substitute both of them and say "Happy Bertdayâ„¢"! :twisted:

Re: There's a Lot to be Said About Todd Meek

Posted: 06-14-2013 04:47 PM
by Todd Meek
Thank you everyone. I had to work, but it still was a pretty good day. I agree, June is an Awesome month to have a birthday. I can just imagine the two words Bert has in his mind when he thinks of me, and those words are probably better not said. Harold, the Inquiror can dig all they want, everything is good at LAX. You have my word on that. :D