We are pleased to announce that exclusively at Captain Sim online store, from 00:00 to 23:59 20AUG2013 (UTC) everything is Euro 9.99! Visit us at:
Important: 24 hours only. At 23:59 20AUG2013 (UTC) all prices are back to regular. If traffic exceeds our expectations some of our servers slowdown/outage is possible during the sale event.
Stay tuned,
Captain Sim News
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Norberto "Bert" Rivera
"The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss"
"I'm not a real pilot, but I play one on VATSIM"
"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."
"Sarcasm is just one more service I offer"
Current bid theme: Random Airbus Bid
Check out my aircraft pics on Flightaware.
I picked up the AC-130 and the C-130J models, but I'm getting the dreaded Error #11 on the installer and support is apparently on vacation until the 27th. Figures!
Norberto "Bert" Rivera
"The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss"
"I'm not a real pilot, but I play one on VATSIM"
"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."
"Sarcasm is just one more service I offer"
Current bid theme: Random Airbus Bid
Check out my aircraft pics on Flightaware.
The CaptainSim 777 is about 85% complete. Seems their mode of operation on some planes is to release it when it's 60% done,and then release upgrades every few months. My CaptainSim T777 is a pretty good experience.
- High quality model and VC
- Handles well
- Fully functional FMC
- No way to load flight plans into the FMC
- Major FPS hog
- Documentation is skimpy. I find myself doing lots of searching on their forums to find an answer to my questions.
My expectations for PMDG are much higher. (quality AND price).
Also when I first got the Capt. Sim 777 the FMC had a problem with vertical decent, didn't work - upgrade! Then I found sometimes the nose steering did work - another upgrade.
And as the boss said, documentation is lousy.
On a positive note, I really like my Capt. Sim C-130.