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RW Flying

Posted: 08-24-2013 10:01 PM
by Theodore Martin
Sport Cruiser 8-17-2013.jpg[/attachment]My sons gave me a introductory flight lesson for my birthday and last weekend I finally got to use it. I didn't get to take a lot of pictures because I was flying once we took off and got out of Bravo airspace.
Sport Cruiser 8-17-2013.jpg
Sport Cruiser 8-17-2013.jpg (217.32 KiB) Viewed 1064 times
A/C panel as we do checklist prior to start. That's me in the left seat, foot on the pedal.
IMG_0733.jpg (218.69 KiB) Viewed 1064 times
Tried to get a shot of Addison tower over my shoulder as we took off.
IMG_0735.jpg (163.54 KiB) Viewed 1064 times

Re: RW Flying

Posted: 08-24-2013 10:09 PM
by Theodore Martin
Here's a shot of north Dallas from 2,000ft.
View of North Dallas.jpg
View of North Dallas.jpg (238.13 KiB) Viewed 1063 times
I flew it back into Bravo airspace then the instructor took over for a right downwind to rwy 33. Tower had us do an abbreviated downwind because there was another a/c on final and they wanted to squeeze us in ahead of him.
Right Downwind.jpg
Right Downwind.jpg (188.68 KiB) Viewed 1063 times

Re: RW Flying

Posted: 08-28-2013 07:00 PM
by Theodore Martin
Sergio Sanchez wrote:That is awesome Ted! Hope you had a great time! Did you do any maneuvers?
Did some turns, some climbs, and a descending turn.
Wayne Szot wrote: That's awesome Ted! Are you wanting to take it further, I.E. get your license? Did you actually land at Addison or were you going up to airpark in Plano?
Yes, we took off and landed at Addison (they are based there). I've been toying with the idea of getting my license however that flight convinced me that if I did get my license I would have to go further. That type of a/c (single engine, low performance) is just too slow. Once you are in the air it's slow and boring. I'd have to get a high performance license but not only is that more money, rental on that type of a/c is more.