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I'm baaaaack!

Posted: 09-13-2013 02:51 PM
by Rafael Fonseca
Hello everyone! It's been a long time and it's good to be back flying with all of you again. It's amazing the amount of things you forget when you don't do them on a regular basis. Nothing like being an "old noob"! :D

Re: I'm baaaaack!

Posted: 09-13-2013 03:14 PM
by Michael Blakely
Rafael needs a ride. Someone clear the cob-webs out of the DC-6.

Re: I'm baaaaack!

Posted: 09-13-2013 04:40 PM
by Rafael Fonseca
Magnetos set....CONTACT!!

Re: I'm baaaaack!

Posted: 09-14-2013 05:44 AM
by Panagiotis Zervoulias
Wow Rafael you will be a hero if you manage not to get confused with the whole bunch of the levers placed in the DC-6's pedestral..... (of course kidding). Good luck :) :) and welcome back!!!

Re: I'm baaaaack!

Posted: 09-16-2013 09:28 AM
by Norberto Rivera
Welcome back seƱor!!!!! :D

I think we might need to clear out a little bit more than cobwebs from that DC-6.