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AAV Pilot Quiz

Posted: 09-14-2013 01:26 PM
by Michael Blakely
Alright, here's a quiz for you armchair flight simmers.

You've been on auto-pilot at cruize for several hours. You've stepped away from your sim to take care of a few chores around the house. Upon return, you find your plane skipping along the surface of the ocean. Do you:

a) Check the autopilot
b) Check the fuel
c) Check your calendar to see if you have time to re-start the flight today
d) Aircraft - Fuel & Payload - Change Fuel - Fill Tanks - OK - OK - Ctl-E - Ctl-Y - QQQQQQQQQQQQ - Ctl-Y - Continue Flying
e) Blame the freeware and hit up the PMDG web-site while your wife/mom/financial advisor is out of the room

Reply with your answers.

Re: AAV Pilot Quiz

Posted: 09-14-2013 02:31 PM
by Wayne Pierce
a. NO.

b. NO.

c. NO.

d. NO.

e. YES.

:D (no brainer, what)

Re: AAV Pilot Quiz

Posted: 09-14-2013 02:35 PM
by Rafael Fonseca
LOL....have to agree with Wayne! :lol:

Re: AAV Pilot Quiz

Posted: 09-15-2013 01:18 AM
by Maratib Ali
O common you guys e. can't possibly be the answer,freeware are more reliable than anyother addon because they use GPS instead of complex FMC's which can messup your flight if you are not the expert of that addon aircraft,i say B. is the answer because once you set the autopilot on cruise the only thing that brings the freeware plane down is the fuel or some aliens must have landed and messed up the sim,maybe.

Re: AAV Pilot Quiz

Posted: 09-15-2013 08:06 PM
by Todd Meek
I'd also go with B. I don't normally step away while flying, but if I did and my plane was skimming the water my first thought would be out of fuel.

Re: AAV Pilot Quiz

Posted: 09-16-2013 09:25 AM
by Norberto Rivera
A, b and c in that order. LOL

I will never again take option "e" unless I hit the lottery and just have a ton of cash to throw away.

Re: AAV Pilot Quiz

Posted: 09-18-2013 06:29 AM
by Tom Pletzke
Since the plane is skipping on the water I would assume we have fuel so I would go into the settings and change to a sea plane and take off to destinations unknown. :D

Re: AAV Pilot Quiz

Posted: 09-18-2013 06:37 PM
by Theodore Martin
Wayne Szot wrote:At least you didn't fall asleep and wake up to find yourself in a holding pattern at the end of your route... While on VATSIM. Not that I've done that or anything :)
Been there.... done that! :oops:

Re: AAV Pilot Quiz

Posted: 09-20-2013 02:30 PM
by Rey Ramon
Ha...I've fallen asleep and done the hold of shame on vatsim.