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Eliezer Resto RECALL for Birthday

Posted: 09-22-2013 05:18 AM
by Harold Henderson
It has come to my attention that through some bureaucratic SNAFU yesterday's planned birthday celebration for Eliezer was not executed. The bumbling fool who overlooked this has been summarily flogged with an administrative wet noodle and has been instructed to inform all of his gross ineptitude.

I don't have CDR (AAV) Resto's schedule before me in order to pick the specific date he returns to the last airport visited yesterday, but said parties are hereby dierected to execute said plan on his next arrival.

And all said (or will), "Happy Birthday, Eliezer!!" with profuse apologies for being tardy with said greetings.

Re: Eliezer Resto RECALL for Birthday

Posted: 09-22-2013 09:29 AM
by Eliezer Resto
Heyyy thxs its 39 fells like 20 im in a middle of a 4day trip just got from raleigh and going to kdca-kjfk-cyyz overnight but thxs :) :D

Re: Eliezer Resto RECALL for Birthday

Posted: 09-22-2013 10:22 AM
by Rafael Fonseca
Happy Birthday!! :)

Re: Eliezer Resto RECALL for Birthday

Posted: 09-22-2013 05:25 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Feliz cumpleaƱos! :D

Let me know whenever you have an overnight at IAD or DCA. Maybe we can get dinner or something.

Re: Eliezer Resto RECALL for Birthday

Posted: 09-22-2013 11:11 PM
by Eliezer Resto
Yes i wlll let u know norberto. Thxs