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Has it been suggested or considered?

Posted: 11-27-2013 08:39 AM
by Norberto Rivera
Becoming a VATSIM ATO (Authorized Training Organization)? I was looking at the requirements and I think we already meet most of them. I would be willing to help with it!

Re: Has it been suggested or considered?

Posted: 11-27-2013 09:40 AM
by Wayne Pierce
This was discussed among the management whilst you were in the far away place across the big ocean.

There was a general no volunteer for the position, no interest on our part.

Re: Has it been suggested or considered?

Posted: 11-27-2013 12:53 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Fair 'nuff.

Re: Has it been suggested or considered?

Posted: 11-27-2013 01:34 PM
by Michael Blakely

I agree that this would be a short step for our VA vs. a big leap for others. What it would take is:
1. Someone to lead the project (you?)
2. Someone to update the web-site, procedures, and documents as needed (me)
3. Someone from the training department to help with updates to our training processes.

Do we have any checkpilots interetsed in #3? If yes, please reply and we'll make this our new project.

Re: Has it been suggested or considered?

Posted: 11-27-2013 07:12 PM
by Barry Theodore
Mike, I am interested in #3, and willing to take it on. The checkride side has not been busy and usually my American friends pounce on them before I see them.

Re: Has it been suggested or considered?

Posted: 11-28-2013 01:07 PM
by Norberto Rivera
I would be willing to work on this Mike. We have always taken pride in our training department and it only seems like a natural step for us.

Re: Has it been suggested or considered?

Posted: 11-29-2013 11:58 AM
by Michael Blakely

I think the first step is for Bert to help us understand what is involved to achieve and maintain the ATO rating, then we can brainstorm the change and steps needed to get our VA to that position.

Re: Has it been suggested or considered?

Posted: 12-01-2013 11:29 AM
by Norberto Rivera
I will get on that today.

Re: Has it been suggested or considered?

Posted: 12-01-2013 03:36 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Michael Blakely wrote:Excellent.

I think the first step is for Bert to help us understand what is involved to achieve and maintain the ATO rating, then we can brainstorm the change and steps needed to get our VA to that position.

The link for ATO information on VATSIM is here. Reading this, I feel that we already comply with most of the requirements. The remaining items would be:
1. Additional data fields and web page tweaks to accommodate pilot ratings information with associated permissions settings to comply with 1.a.c.(confidentiality of student records)
2. Addition of summary stats to the main page reflective of pass/fail rate of training program.
3. Assignment of a Chief Flight Instructor to serve as the main liaison with VATSIM (VATGOV14 or designee).
4. Possible adjustment or generation of a training manual to comply with VATSIM pilot rating requirements. (This will involve a comprehensive review of both training programs to ensure compliance and will likely be the most time-consuming task aside from the web-page and database tweaks.) This should also include procedures for the operation of the training program.
Just as a reminder, the currently offered pilot ratings are:
P1: VATSIM Online PIlot
P2: VATSIM Flight Fundamentals
P5: VATSIM Advanced IFR Pilot
*As of May 2013 there were no P5-rated pilots at all. The VATSIM rating stats page is here.
5. Preparation of a written syllabus to be provided to students which should include clear pass, fail and retesting info. (IF written testing is to be implemented as part of the training program. Looking at the requirements it does not appear to be mandatory)
6. A practical testing methodology is required. A review of our current check ride evaluation system would be needed to make sure that it is capable of capturing all the required data to evaluate a student for rating. The minimum passing criteria should be clearly published or provided to the student. (added to the training page that already exists)
7. A method for storage of all records of student training. (these are auditable by VATSIM)
8. Agree on some method of Quality Control. The page makes the following suggestions:
The ATO shall define how they plan to maintain a quality program as a part of their application.

Suggested areas to monitor

Test Question Quality

Documentation Quality

Instructor Quality

Pass-Fail test or rating statistics
This can be as simple as a statistics-based periodic review or a feedback questionnaire provided to students.

9. Decide on which ratings we are able to train for and prepare a written application for certification per section "g", to be reviewed by management prior to submission.
10. Audits would likely involve generating an account on this site for the Pilot Training Coordinator (from VATSIM) to conduct the audit.

I am willing to tackle this head-on in a CFI capacity or at any other lesser-involved level as needed. I think all current check pilots should definitely be involved as they know the ins and outs of what we already have in place. I am no longer subject to traveling to far-away lands for extended periods of time and have a somewhat stable 9-5 m-f work schedule.