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Mr. Luis Melendez - Promoted to Senior Captain

Posted: 12-02-2013 02:29 PM
by Tom Pletzke
Please join me in congratulating Mr. Luis Melendez for meeting all the requirements for the Senior Captain and passing the Senior Captain checkride. Luis, congratulations on passing this big milestone and welcome to the Senior Captain's chair.

Also, I will be opening a new thread for your Senior Captain Bid.


I will post in this thread when your award is available.

P.S. We now have 11/14 pilots that are Senior Captains or higher. Our budget will need some adjustment for salaries and our regional jets are getting dusty.

Re: Mr. Luis Melendez - Promoted to Senior Captain

Posted: 12-02-2013 07:58 PM
by Todd Meek
Congratulations Luis on your promotion to Senior Captain. Make sure to buy a new coffeemaker for these flights we are going to give you. They will be long ones.

Re: Mr. Luis Melendez - Promoted to Senior Captain

Posted: 12-03-2013 04:52 AM
by Harold Henderson
Congratulations, Luis.

Re: Mr. Luis Melendez - Promoted to Senior Captain

Posted: 12-03-2013 10:48 PM
by Tom Pletzke
Congratulations Luis,

Here is your Senior Captain award: ... aptain.pdf