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Can't wait

Posted: 12-18-2013 10:19 AM
by Michael Blakely
I can't wait for the holidays. I'll actually have some time to fly!!!

Re: Can't wait

Posted: 12-18-2013 07:31 PM
by Todd Meek
I hear you there. I have a 5 day weekend coming up after Friday of this week, then I work Thursday and Friday next week after Christmas then another 5 day weekend. Hoping to get some flights done off my new FREQ and join some GFI's.

Re: Can't wait

Posted: 12-18-2013 09:39 PM
by Theodore Martin
My plans exactly. Took advantage of the Carenado sale so I have some new a/c to play with. Also promised myself I'd learn to fly the F/A-18 I purchased almost a year ago and only flown a hand full of times. Military systems are so, so different! :?