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December theme flight

Posted: 12-27-2013 01:38 PM
by Michael Blakely
Wow, beautiful seas around the Athens area, I'm glad I did this month's theme flight.
Heavy rain departing Paris, with a 23kt cross wind, woo hoo!

I was supposed to go four-wheeling in my friend's jeep this morning. I got a text from him at 6:39am. Lost his keys, looked for hours, couldn't find them. Now, what am I going to do with this unexpected 6 hours today????

Re: December theme flight

Posted: 12-27-2013 11:59 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Too bad about the 4 wheeling Mike, it is the weather for it right now here in So. Cal.


I flew the theme flight this past day, and here are a few screen shots of it. PMDG B-777.

At cruise FL.
Descending over the Aegean Sea
This is how I like to set up after I get in the air and on course. My other two screens show the left and right views. Here I am on the approach.
A couple of days left until this flight is cancelled.