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Happy Medicare Day to Rick Stevens!!

Posted: 01-24-2014 09:09 PM
by Harold Henderson
Happy birthday, Rick. Hope you enjoyed the GFI in your honor. Unfortunately the fire trucks got messed up and were waiting at rwy 18L. Maybe next year.

Re: Happy Medicare Day to Rick Stevens!!

Posted: 01-25-2014 05:10 PM
by Theodore Martin
Happy birthday Rick. Don't know why the trucks went to the wrong runway thus keeping you from getting your water cannon salute, but it seems only one person knew exactly where they were :shock:. I'm just saying.......

Don't party too very hard this weekend. Remember at your age it's hard to remember how to get home. :mrgreen:

Re: Happy Medicare Day to Rick Stevens!!

Posted: 01-25-2014 10:39 PM
by Todd Meek
Happy Birthday Rick. It was a great GFI in your honor. Would have been great to see that water cannon, but oh well.

Re: Happy Medicare Day to Rick Stevens!!

Posted: 01-26-2014 06:01 AM
by Harold Henderson
Theodore Martin wrote:...but it seems only one person knew exactly where they were :shock:. I'm just saying.......
Yes. We know who the ex-fireman is.

Re: Happy Medicare Day to Rick Stevens!!

Posted: 01-26-2014 12:44 PM
by Omar Campanalunga
HB Rick

Re: Happy Medicare Day to Rick Stevens!!

Posted: 01-26-2014 07:28 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Happy Bertdayâ„¢ RIck!!! Sorry I missed it, but for once I can't get blamed for any water cannon mishaps. :D