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KLAX has a new Captain Peter Keenan

Posted: 02-19-2014 07:38 PM
by Todd Meek
Hey guys, please help me in congratulating Mr. Peter Keenan on successfully passing his Captain Checkride. Congratulations Peter and enjoy your access to the B757 and B767 series aircraft. You may pick up your award at the link below.

Re: KLAX has a new Captain Peter Keenan

Posted: 02-20-2014 06:38 PM
by Harold Henderson
Congratulations, Peter!

Re: KLAX has a new Captain Peter Keenan

Posted: 02-21-2014 08:23 AM
by Tom Pletzke

Re: KLAX has a new Captain Peter Keenan

Posted: 02-21-2014 08:59 AM
by Omar Campanalunga
Congratulations !

Re: KLAX has a new Captain Peter Keenan

Posted: 02-21-2014 10:43 AM
by Peter Keenan
Many thanks to all for the congratulations.

I enjoyed the challenge of flying the check flight and I now look forward to flying 757's and 767's along with the others that I currently fly.

Although I live in the United Kingdom, I enjoy flying the American skies with AAV.

Best regards,

Peter Keenan