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Re: P3D v2 Experience

Posted: 05-18-2014 04:30 PM
by Omar Campanalunga
Hi Miguel,
I have prepar3d V2, it is very stable, and migration tool from Flightsim Stonia but unfortunately many add-ons are not working in it, ... nformation . I fly with PMDG, Captain Sim and Wilco in airbus, and I have many issues with these add-ons, for this reason I prefer to fly with FSX.
About a recommendation of a SSD I bought a Samsung EVO 500 GB last year, it has a good price, is very stable and has a good performance. I have installed the FSX, P3D and the windows 8.1 there. ... 269-6.html. It will be also recommendable another disk for the data and other programs I have my old Seagate Barracuda Black 1T. for that.
I hope this can help you. Nice flights.

Re: P3D v2 Experience

Posted: 05-21-2014 01:48 AM
by Omar Campanalunga
Hi Miguel,
For one SSD more it will be recomendable check your PSU and your hardware. About the 737, I have the problem with a red cross on the Primary Flight Display (PFD) and with the FMC, 747 restarts the simulator. No, I have not experience in L-D 767 or QW757 or ERJ, sorry.