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It seems impossible to refute Greased Landing

Posted: 09-06-2015 12:21 PM
by Hebert Augusto Africano Linares
Appreciated gentlemen I doing an analysis of the competition that takes place through FSACARS as the vertical lowest speed on touchdown (34 fps) is going to be very, very difficult to refute our colleague of flight: Ronald Schoening. Take the opportunity of congratulate Ron.
For my part I am having problems with my joystic from several flights ago and look far to do so.
Even I will not deliver, hehe... !. I imagine you are thinking the same.
Ronald century some of these it will do. Again congratulations to you
Apologize for my poor English

Re: It seems impossible to refute Greased Landing

Posted: 09-07-2015 06:10 AM
by Norberto Rivera
Sergio Sanchez wrote:I never can get a landing of less than 200 so...
We know. :lol: :P :twisted:

Re: It seems impossible to refute Greased Landing

Posted: 09-09-2015 04:43 PM
by Hebert Augusto Africano Linares
If Wayne, Sergio and Norberto course in a friendly competition it will try us. This remains to be seen whether the current record. Wayne funny uploaded video...

Re: It seems impossible to refute Greased Landing

Posted: 09-11-2015 03:43 AM
by Hebert Augusto Africano Linares
Thanks Ron for my part I will try to implement the suggestions of the procedure to apply and how you say ... lucky, luck also.
Congratulations again