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Twin Birthdays

Posted: 11-17-2015 06:46 AM
by Harold Henderson
Pete Murray and David Freeman share birthdays (long odds for dates) today.

AAV, unofficially, condones birthday celebrations as long as they are modest and do not interfere with your flying schedule or availability. So, if you two are planning anything wild on your birthdays, don't tell management.

Have a great birthday, guys!

Re: Twin Birthdays

Posted: 11-17-2015 07:32 PM
by Todd Meek
Happy birthday to both Pete and David. Hope you both enjoyed your day.

Re: Twin Birthdays

Posted: 11-19-2015 11:06 PM
by Theodore Martin
Happy birthday to you both.

Dave, I would say hope you had a good day but with brass poles in the back of your a/c :mrgreen: ....nuff said