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Attempted Birthday Under the Radar

Posted: 12-02-2015 05:45 AM
by Harold Henderson
It seems CDR Wayne "Retro" Pierce is trying to evade the Birthday Police by not posting his birthday on the calendar, BUT we have our ways of finding these things out!

Happy birthday, Wayne. I hope you have a great birthday flying DC-3's and DC-6's ... or just flying.

Thanks for all the time you put in to help make AAV such an enjoyable community.

Re: Attempted Birthday Under the Radar

Posted: 12-02-2015 07:59 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Happy birthday OLD MAN! :D

Re: Attempted Birthday Under the Radar

Posted: 12-02-2015 11:42 PM
by Theodore Martin
WOW....tried to slip one by use. I know, you can dish it out but can't take the heat :)

Happy birthday guy. Now go take a trip up in those mountain areas you love.

And thanks for your help and support of this great VA.

Re: Attempted Birthday Under the Radar

Posted: 12-07-2015 07:42 PM
by Todd Meek
I see Mr. Pierce trying to hide his birthday. Happy belated birthday.

Re: Attempted Birthday Under the Radar

Posted: 12-09-2015 10:32 AM
by Michael Blakely
Happy birthday Wayne.

Re: Attempted Birthday Under the Radar

Posted: 12-09-2015 09:42 PM
by Wayne Pierce
I guess it doesn't do any good to remove my birthday from my control panel when the birthday GURU has it marked on his personal one.

It seems the "celebrations" are getting closer together as one gets older. Years ago when I was just in the later 29's I took a bus to N. California for a job interview and testing. On the bus a very older and very cantankerous lady sat down next to me. When her stop came along she got up, turned to me and said I was to bring her baggage off the bus for her. The more I protested the more vocal she became, so to stop it getting worse I quickly unloaded her baggage, go back on the bus to find my seat taken. I had to show the driver my ticket, again, and someone else had to get off. They got on when I got off for time it took to drop the lady's baggage on the ground. They had no ticket and were trying to hide on the bus, IN MY SEAT. I then told the people around me, whom saw all this happen that I was never getting old. After some laughter died down..... here I am, at the ripe old age of 64. Can you believe it. A lot sure has happened in the time to get where I am today.

Well enough of that.

Thanks for the well wishes.

Re: Attempted Birthday Under the Radar

Posted: 12-10-2015 05:04 AM
by Omar Campanalunga
HB! :D

Re: Attempted Birthday Under the Radar

Posted: 12-10-2015 10:38 AM
by Michael Blakely
Only 64? That's great news. You have LOTS of flying years left.

Mandatory retirement for simulated flight isn't until 99.