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Happy Birthday Ronald

Posted: 01-09-2016 06:16 AM
by Harold Henderson
Today is Ronald Schoening's birthday.

Bring out the fine old DFW goat's milk (FODGM), and we'll lift a glass in celebration - only if you're not scheduled to fly in the next 48 (talk to Bert about that).

Happy Birthday, Ronald. Hope this day far exceeds your expectations.

If exceeding your expectations is so far as winning the lottery, I'm sure you would remember your buddies by maybe establishing a fund to pay all AAVV hosting expenses in perpetuity? Then, if you really feel generous, would be nice for each of your great AAV pilot buddies to have a $100/month pay-ware allowance (sorry, that would be a cutback for some) ... and if you're still in a generous mood, perhaps a $5K allowance to replace each of our flight sim systems every 3 years? And if your magnanimity is only getting warmed up, maybe a $10K donation to our favorite charity?

Re: Happy Birthday Ronald

Posted: 01-10-2016 01:50 AM
by Theodore Martin
Happy birthday Ronald. Hope it was a great one.