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Earthquake in Ecuador

Posted: 04-18-2016 02:42 PM
by Arturo Carvajal
Dear Friends:

I know this is not an Virtualairline topic, but a powerfull earthquake
damaged many Ecuadorian coastline cities.

The following link has a 109 of pictures that doesnt need any coment. ... =3&theater

I hope Ecuador will come to normal life soon.


Re: Earthquake in Ecuador

Posted: 04-19-2016 11:08 AM
by Norberto Rivera
I hope all your family and friends are well sir.

Re: Earthquake in Ecuador

Posted: 04-20-2016 01:11 PM
by Todd Meek
Man that is just horrible. I hope you and your family are safe.

Re: Earthquake in Ecuador

Posted: 04-21-2016 11:42 AM
by Arturo Carvajal

All my family are safe and all our homes are OK!.

Thanks again

Re: Earthquake in Ecuador

Posted: 04-21-2016 06:42 PM
by Theodore Martin
Arturo Carvajal wrote:Thanks.

All my family are safe and all our homes are OK!.

Thanks again
I'm so glad that you and your family are safe, and that your home is intact. My thoughts go out to you and everyone in Ecuador that must endure this terrible tragedy.