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Re: Rick's last FREQ screenies

Posted: 08-06-2016 05:22 PM
by Theodore Martin
I'm so glad you thought of getting screenshots of the event. After we landed I thought..."darn we didn't get any pics." Glad one of us was thinking ahead. And no worries, I didn't need to be in the pics. It was just such a great idea and I'm glad to have the chance to participate.

Re: Rick's last FREQ screenies

Posted: 08-07-2016 09:39 AM
by Norberto Rivera
Those look fake buddy! :lol:

Re: Rick's last FREQ screenies

Posted: 08-07-2016 01:28 PM
by Norberto Rivera
I had some time today that I wasn't expecting so, my apologies for not giving any notice. The hop from Nashville to Orlando was not without Rick's spirit as something was wrong with the Maddog's FMC alignment. The legs were put in normally and the plan page displayed them as they should have been but Otto kept wanting to direct me way east so I had to improvise and use some VOR navigation. In the end we arrived in MCO a few minutes short of the scheduled time through a bit of a rain storm but all is well that ends well. Enjoy some screens below:

Re: Rick's last FREQ screenies

Posted: 08-07-2016 01:32 PM
by Norberto Rivera
It was a good flight despite the navigational challenges. Rick would have surely been cursing at the airplane. :lol:

Re: Rick's last FREQ screenies

Posted: 08-07-2016 09:54 PM
by Todd Meek
Leg #2 of Rick's FREQ. Flew from KSEA to KLAX. I was by myself but still a fun flight.
todd1.jpg (44.65 KiB) Viewed 22948 times
At the gate at KSEA
todd2.jpg (115.78 KiB) Viewed 22948 times
Departing rwy 16L KSEA
todd3.jpg (91.57 KiB) Viewed 22948 times
Enroute to KLAX

Re: Rick's last FREQ screenies

Posted: 08-07-2016 09:56 PM
by Todd Meek
Continued on
todd4.jpg (138.88 KiB) Viewed 22948 times
On final 24R at KLAX
todd5.jpg (88.84 KiB) Viewed 22948 times
At the gate KLAX

Re: Rick's last FREQ screenies

Posted: 08-08-2016 07:48 PM
by Theodore Martin
If I had looked at the forum when I got home to see your post I would have flown with you. Nice pics...

Re: Rick's last FREQ screenies

Posted: 08-14-2016 09:15 PM
by Todd Meek
Thank you Ted. I would have enjoyed the company. It was a nice flight and would have been the perfect time to chat on Teamspeak since I didn't have any ATC the whole way. Oh well, maybe next time.

AA409 -- KIAH - KBNA

Posted: 08-24-2016 05:14 AM
by Harold Henderson
at the gate in Houston
at the gate in Houston
Rick1.jpg (85.71 KiB) Viewed 22833 times
line up
line up
Rick2.jpg (96.92 KiB) Viewed 22833 times

AA409 -- KIAH - KBNA

Posted: 08-24-2016 05:18 AM
by Harold Henderson
turning on course
turning on course
Rick4.jpg (165.7 KiB) Viewed 22833 times
Eldorado, AR.  DOwntown apt off right wing; Regional, off left
Eldorado, AR. DOwntown apt off right wing; Regional, off left
Rick5.jpg (126.18 KiB) Viewed 22833 times

AA409 -- KIAH - KBNA

Posted: 08-24-2016 05:22 AM
by Harold Henderson
short final rwy 2C Nashville, TN
short final rwy 2C Nashville, TN
Rick7.jpg (92.69 KiB) Viewed 22833 times
Rick8.jpg (63.46 KiB) Viewed 22833 times

AA409 -- KIAH - KBNA

Posted: 08-24-2016 05:24 AM
by Harold Henderson
At the gate. Pleasure flying with you, Rick!

Re: Rick's last FREQ screenies

Posted: 08-26-2016 08:28 PM
by Theodore Martin
Had plan to fly with you Harold but didn't get home in time.

That landing is a contest winner for this month :shock: !

Re: Rick's last FREQ screenies

Posted: 08-27-2016 05:05 AM
by Harold Henderson
Only fitting that Rick should win the landing contest.

Re: Rick's last FREQ screenies

Posted: 09-02-2016 10:54 AM
by Norberto Rivera
Rick's last run from BNA to MCO: Redux

No unusual navigational challenges this time and no need for celestial navigation. Our flight plan today takes us over Atlanta, Valdosta, GA and on to Orlando via Hurrican Hermine.