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Finally, a good A320
Posted: 08-20-2016 01:43 PM
by Michael Blakely
I've been on the hunt for a good A320 with MCDU for years. All the ones I've tried (Project Open Sky, Wilco) have been buggy. I finally tried the Aerosoft Airbus and I'm in heaven! I love this plan.
Flying around Europe on this bid, but can't wait to take it in and out of KLAX soon.
Re: Finally, a good A320
Posted: 08-20-2016 01:44 PM
by Michael Blakely
More flight deck shots
Re: Finally, a good A320
Posted: 08-20-2016 02:43 PM
by Theodore Martin
Mike, though I'm not a fan of the Airbus, I do have the Aerosoft A320/321 and it is a very good a/c. The modeling appears to be very accurate. Have not had any issues with this a/c except for Boeing pilot trying to use Airbus FMC errors. The only issue I've seen with this a/c is that approach speed is very sensitive. Get to slow and it just drops. I don't know if this is a characteristic of the Aerosoft model or one of the RW airplane itself.
Re: Finally, a good A320
Posted: 08-22-2016 12:19 PM
by Michael Blakely
Theodore Martin wrote:The only issue I've seen with this a/c is that approach speed is very sensitive. Get to slow and it just drops. I don't know if this is a characteristic of the Aerosoft model or one of the RW airplane itself.
That would explain my touchdown VS of -1,231fps on my first flight.
David Freeman wrote:Great airplane. I'm excited for the FS Labs A320 which will be a PMDG level A320 simulation.
David - I own the FS Labs Concorde and think it's WONDERFUL. However, the release date for their A320 is shrouded in mystery, so for now I'll fly the Aerosoft.
Re: Finally, a good A320
Posted: 08-25-2016 12:13 PM
by Maratib Ali
Glad you love this airplane, this is one of my favourite airplane in flight simulation, other being the PMDG 777.I am sure you will have a lot of time enjoying this airplane just like i always have.
Re: Finally, a good A320
Posted: 08-25-2016 04:54 PM
by Eliezer Resto
Aerosoft should update the A320's Wing flex feature!! But yes a nice plane to fly in sim and real world hahahahahah