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Rey Ramon Celebrates!!!

Posted: 11-09-2016 05:27 AM
by Harold Henderson

Hope you have a great birthday, Rey.

Re: Rey Ramon Celebrates!!!

Posted: 11-10-2016 01:37 AM
by Theodore Martin
Happy B'day Rey.

Re: Rey Ramon Celebrates!!!

Posted: 11-11-2016 04:48 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Happy Bertday Rey!

Re: Rey Ramon Celebrates!!!

Posted: 01-09-2017 10:54 PM
by Rey Ramon
I know it's late, but thanks for the well wish guys! A lot has changed since we last talked. I'm back in Texas from the East Coast/Mid-Atlantic. Currently living in San Antonio. My wife and kids are still out East. Hoping they join me later this summer. Hope to get back into the hobby a little bit now that I'm living the "living alone married life". ha.