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Summer is here

Posted: 06-26-2017 10:35 PM
by Michael Blakely
You can tell summer is here and everyone is outside playing. It's real quiet in the forums and online.

My real world adventures took me KSAN-KDEN-KMSP and back two weeks ago. The route was FABULOUS! Grand Canyon, Lake Powell, Monument Valley, and Durango. Still tons of snow on the Rocky Mountains.

Last week it took me KSAN-KBWI and back. That one was real bumpy. Seat belt sign on for 3 of 5 hours.

Last weekend, I backpacked a tall mountain northeast of KLAX (San Gorgonio for the locals). I saw a jet go by every 5 minutes all day long. Approaches for KLAX, KONT, and KPSP all go over the mountain. I had one friend see a bright orange plane and ask, "is that the sunset?", I replied, "no, that's Southwest airlines." :)

It's all fun, but I miss flight simming too. Here's hoping to being back online soon.

Re: Summer is here

Posted: 06-27-2017 05:41 PM
by Wayne Pierce
San Gorgonio. Nice "hike". Hope it was a little cooler up there.

I did almost the same thing for the beginning of my Summer, well not really.

You can tell by the picture where I went this past month. This is in Antonito, Colorado. I did pass one airport on the way at Chama, NM. They fly in Elk hunters in the fall.

More of these.

Re: Summer is here

Posted: 06-27-2017 10:11 PM
by Michael Blakely
Great depth of field effect on that picture. I looked at the rest of the set and I don't think summer has set in yet in the Rocky Mountains. I also noticed the ties on that railroad look well "aged". I would take that ride in a minute though. Can you smell the steam locomotive from the passenger cars? What does it smell like? Also, I like the pop-up tent trailer. Looks almost like mine. I have a Coleman Cheyenne.

Re: Summer is here

Posted: 06-28-2017 02:58 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Michael Blakely wrote:Great depth of field effect on that picture.
It is a digital picture and was quickly edited to blur out the background.

Here is a totally redone image of the engine using photoshop to make an "old timey photo". I used to do collodion photography on tin and glass, but no more. Now it is all digital stuff. I know it is not an airplane, but, that's the way it is.

Re: Summer is here

Posted: 07-15-2017 06:04 PM
by Maratib Ali
I had flown from Riyadh,Saudi arabia to Islamabad, Pakistan, here is the video of the landing i made.