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Something new for navigation

Posted: 09-25-2017 12:33 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Greetings all,
I picked up the latest Navigraph product. The Charts Desktop. This will show you, on your flight, the charts for all the airports, plus show your route, has flight following and will show only the charts you need for your flight. And yes, for you cheap guys, it does cost a fee.
I am now using the program instead of searching the internet for the charts and copying and open them up in Adobe as a PDF.
chart1.jpg (221.34 KiB) Viewed 1578 times
chart 2.jpg
chart 2.jpg (207.93 KiB) Viewed 1578 times
Thank You,

Re: Something new for navigation

Posted: 09-25-2017 11:41 PM
by Theodore Martin
Looking at your pics it appears this new product provides charts world wide. If so that would be a great addition. I previously used MYAIRPLANE.COM and now SKY VECTOR.COM and they had all U.S. airport charts but once you fly overseas finding charts becomes a major task. If this product provides charts for almost all airports world wide, it is definitely worth it.

Thanks for trying this product and sharing your findings.

Re: Something new for navigation

Posted: 10-03-2017 05:53 AM
by Tom Pletzke
looks great