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Took a Turn South and so did the WX

Posted: 06-11-2018 04:38 PM
by Harold Henderson
WX wasn't bad when I left Philly (KPHL) for Roanoke, VA (KROA).

Some pretty clouds to fly around enroute.
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Then it became an almost solid overcast under me but still a few holes. Yes, there are hard things in clouds.
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The wx forecast was showing overcast to the deck, so I was prepared to go around. Fortunately, I broke out about 400 ft AGL
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Re: Took a Turn South and so did the WX

Posted: 06-11-2018 04:44 PM
by Harold Henderson
It was a few very long seconds until I saw the runway (upper left).
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When I saw the runway I noticed I had been the victim of yet another runway heading variance between FSX (or FSX based sims like P3Dv4 which I am flying) and the current charts. FSX had the course as 70 degrees; current charts had been corrected to 72. Check that next time!!!!

Still, it was fun coming down through the white-out.

Re: Took a Turn South and so did the WX

Posted: 06-13-2018 12:05 PM
by Harold Henderson
Next flight KROA to KLGA. Departure was uneventful but found myself over a patchy overcast when I got to altitude.
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Later, I flew out of the overcast below me.
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But, had to descend through overcast into the ILS 22 approach to LGA with the guidance of a friendly Vatsim NYC Approach controller. Broke out and had the PAPIs for 22 at approx 2400 ft. Piece of cake after that.
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Re: Took a Turn South and so did the WX

Posted: 06-13-2018 12:36 PM
by Michael Blakely
Fun flights and nice pictures.