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Track IR

Posted: 06-14-2018 12:22 AM
by Wayne Pierce
Anxiously waiting to see other's inputs to discussion. Also would like feedback on TrackIR from anyone that is using or purchased it and not using it now. Ted Martin
Ted, I have the Track IR. It is plugged in but have not used it since I went to P3D. The program allows my 3 monitors to span much better than FSX and have not found a need for it.
When I did use it, I kept having to shut it off to operate the aircraft in virtual cockpit as it looked everywhere I looked, which was not the best thing. And It gave me a real good case of Vertigo, BAD.

With the 3 screens I see the same field of view as with the track IR by using the space bar + mouse key function, only at my own pace.


Edit; and Ditto with Harold's comment below.

Re: Track IR

Posted: 06-14-2018 05:19 AM
by Harold Henderson
IMO TrackIR is great in combat sims like DCS and helpful for helo's in FSX/P3D but not really that useful for airliners.

Re: Track IR

Posted: 06-14-2018 02:11 PM
by Theodore Martin
Harold Henderson wrote:IMO TrackIR is great in combat sims like DCS and helpful for helo's in FSX/P3D but not really that useful for airliners.
That is exactly why I am asking the question. Was thinking of joining DCS and trying my hand at combat. I've since discovered that my graphics card is not supported by DCS, so once I upgrade it (for P3D) I'll come back to considering combat.

Wayne - thanks for the response. I remember we talked about it previously and that it did give you vertigo.