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look what was under my X-mas tree this AM

Posted: 09-27-2018 08:29 AM
by Wayne Pierce
I know it isn't X-mas, but it came really early here.
PMDG has released the new improved 747 with AAL (fictional) livery. Only in P3dV4

It is very seldom I use anything like this, but it was a thing and I must have it.

Re: look what was under my X-mas tree this AM

Posted: 09-27-2018 10:41 AM
by Michael Blakely
I like it!

Re: look what was under my X-mas tree this AM

Posted: 09-28-2018 05:34 AM
by Harold Henderson
Surprise ... surprise!

Re: look what was under my X-mas tree this AM

Posted: 09-29-2018 07:09 PM
by Theodore Martin
Nice looking a/c. Since I've now moved to P3Dv4 and my PMDG 777 is not compatible, I may look at getting the 747 instead of repurchasing the Triple 7.

Just a thought....

Re: look what was under my X-mas tree this AM

Posted: 09-30-2018 05:33 AM
by Harold Henderson
Ted, the PMDG 747-800 will only cost you about $200. PMDG decided to make the 800 a $70 UPGRADE to their 400. So you'll have to buy the 400 for $130 AND the $70 upgrade.

I've been looking at the iFly 747-400 which is out for P3Dv4. Of course it's not the "study" sim that the PMDG is - like their 737 is not the "study" sim that PMDG's 737 is. I know you've flown the iFly in FSX, so you have a good idea what their level of quality is.

iFly 747-400 is $60. They are working on a 800 version which will be a FREE upgrade for owners of the 400 - and from the forums it looks like the 800 will be out pretty soon. The only downside I see of going with iFly is I can't find an American Airlines livery for the a/c.

How much "study level" do you really need?

<RANT>I'm starting to get aggravated with PMDG. First, about a year ago they had a P3Dv4 version of the best a/c thy have ever made - JS41 - in Beta and then pulled resources from it to work on the 800 and their new product, Global Flight Operations (GFO) which I see as an extremely limited appeal product. I wonder if their upgrade strategy requiring purchase of the 400 too is a way of recouping lost $$$ sales on the 400. They are pricing themselves out of my wallet, and may be going down a path to failure. Just the opinion of this add-on addict.</RANT>

Re: look what was under my X-mas tree this AM

Posted: 10-04-2018 10:41 PM
by Theodore Martin
Harold, I agree with you on PMDG pricing. When I looked at their 747 and saw the $130 price, that was a lot in my opinion to pay for a virtual a/c and I am very hesitant.

As for the iFly 737NG, I simply love it. Controls are very and flight characteristics are very good and accurate. I watched a You Tube video of a RW pilot doing a cold & dark startup of a 737 and it exactly matched the procedure on the iFly 737. When flying with you and Wayne my iFly 737 seemed to match every control and aspect that you had with your PMDG 737. I would not trade my iFly for any other 737. And I do have the american livery for my 737.

I would love to get a 777 from iFly but since they don't have it and you've mentioned their 747 I will most likely go that direction.

Re: look what was under my X-mas tree this AM

Posted: 12-29-2018 01:39 PM
by Harold Henderson
Get your iFly 747-400 for approx. $50 with a $10 discount for using the new Flight1 Purchase Agent. Download and install the iFly SP3 from their support site and you get their 747-8i free! Not sure how long the $10 discount will last.